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160 Hwy 46 S.
New Braunfels, Texas 78130


Monday – Saturday | 5am – 9pm
Sunday | 7am – 7pm


Phone coming soon

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– Jolt Drive Thru Coffee –

[ Swing thru today & fall in love ]


More than just coffee.

In 2007 Kim Scholer's son Aaron joined the Army. The impact of 911 was never lost on him, and he saw this as his way to make a difference. While stationed at Fort Hood Texas, Aaron would visit Austin with his beloved ukulele. He found great joy in finding a band to join in with on his nights off. In 2009, Aaron came back to the Pacific Northwest, where his family was living, with an undiagnosed illness. A year later he passed away from cancer. Never forgetting his words, "Mom you would love Austin, it is like Portland without rain", Kim and her husband Cary made a move to Texas as a pilgrimage to her son. Through her grief, Kim realized that there was a need for people grieving loss to have a safe space to land. Through her journey of her own deep loss, the idea of a grieving retreat was born. Kim realized that death and dying aren't really something that is easily talked about in this country. The couple discovered that there is such a need to walk families through grief, to support and give back because they have been there.

Knowing that a retreat would cost a lot of money, the search for a business that could raise the funds for their dream began. Hailing from the Pacific Northwest, and having a love for coffee, they knew that drive thru coffee was a great business. In early 2013, they decided that the time was right. Opening a test shop in their garage, the couple put a sign out when the coffee was flowing. Neighbors would line up around the block for the chance to get Jolted, and to vote for their favorite coffee bean. In August 2013, Jolt opened its first location in Dripping Springs. In July 2019, Jolt New Braunfels opened its doors for business.

With a deep desire to honor her son's memory, Kim is also teaming up with Hospice organizations through their programs that train volunteers to sit and comfort those who die alone. Kim's son was a Veteran, and her mother passed away from Dementia, so organizations that support these causes are also special to Jolt. Because of the gifts her son continues to give her, Kim has an unwavering commitment to give back to others.

To improve the lives of our guests, to support the communities we promote our common humanity. Jolt strives to do this by weaving a fabric of positive relationships and experiences that stretch from our coffee stands and out into the world. Jolt Coffee and Beverage. Not just serving a great cup of coffee, serving an unforgettable experience.

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– do you love people? –

Do you love coffee?

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Joltistas are the heart of Jolt. Jolitstas are friendly, hard working, accurate, and fast. Joltistas have a passion for coffee, and most importantly, love people. If you want to be a part of a positive experience with a local family owned company, consider joining our team!